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Translation of genuine in Spanish

genuine     auténtico    ; genuino    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
He owns several genuine paintings by Picasso and Degas.

Él posee varias pinturas auténticas de Picasso y Degas.

it was very hot and very cool and very long. I will go to Mallorca at the end of June only for a week... but it is enough.... the sun, beach and water, coast... uuuhhh. For my job I use German and English language.
We were not the only tourists, there were a many boats sailing on the same route. At one point the driver stopped the boat and immediately children of the village people approached us.
Burlington in Vermont is one of the healthiest cities in the entire United States of America. The capital of Vermont is Montpellier. Apart from that Vermont offers a lot of green hills and many lakes.
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