Spanish Dictionary

The earlier you go to the top of the mountains the fewer people are on the slopes. I love the sound of the ski-lifts and seeing the villages disappear in the distance while I move up to the mountains.
After getting up early I took a local car to get back to the center from where I took a coach to the long awaited city of San Cristobal de Las Casas. I have heard so much about this distant place.
Yesterday we launched our online community, in which we want to bring our users together. You can find friends online who are interested in learning languages and exchange lessons and messages with them.
After getting up early I took a local car to get back to the center from where I took a coach to the long awaited city of San Cristobal de Las Casas. I have heard so much about this distant place.
Yesterday we launched our online community, in which we want to bring our users together. You can find friends online who are interested in learning languages and exchange lessons and messages with them.