Spanish Dictionary
Spanish | English |
Sample sentences: Le apretó las espuelas al caballo para que galopara más rápido. |
He pressed his spurs against the horse to make it gallop faster. |
Descargué un nuevo navegador de Internet porque me dijeron que era más rápido. | I downloaded a new Internet browser because I was told it was faster. |
Le pusieron una multa por conducir demasiado rápido. | He was given a penalty for driving too fast. |
rápido, deprisa | quick |
rápido | fast, rapid |
rápido | quick/fast |

Hi David, please send me your contact details, such as email, phone number and address. Is it possible to reach you by phone? I am looking forward to meet you, and you? Best regards and wishes.
This perilous reaction, due to trivial, conventional thinking of us might lead to direct violence or at least to its support. Furthermore it can destroys one's good intensions and qualities.
What time zone are you in or where are you located (city, state, country)? The time and date that you gave is according to your time zone, I guess. But I need to compare it in our log files.
This perilous reaction, due to trivial, conventional thinking of us might lead to direct violence or at least to its support. Furthermore it can destroys one's good intensions and qualities.
What time zone are you in or where are you located (city, state, country)? The time and date that you gave is according to your time zone, I guess. But I need to compare it in our log files.