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Translation of paloma

la paloma      the dove     
la paloma     the dove    ; the pigeon    

Pronunciation of paloma    

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Sample sentences:
Ella les dio pan a sus hijos para que lo desmigajaran y se le dieran a las palomas.

She gave bread to her children so that they could crumble it and give it to the pigeons.
El chico estaba tirando migas de pan a las palomas. The boy was throwing bread crumbs to the pigeons.
Le gusta sentarse en un banco del parque y alimentar a las palomas. She likes to sit on a park bench and feed the doves.

He wants to say that peace and brutality are very connected. In one line he is talking about the cleanness and in the next line he is talking about the witches' broth. How good is that, isn't it?
Moreover, these conception goes with generations, it is almost biologically inherited, they are path from parent to child. As a result the a child has similar believes as his father or mother.
The following day we took a boat trip to see the Los Glaciares National Park, where many glaciers formed hugh lakes. Many ice bergs were floating in these lakes and some of them had bizarre light blue colors.
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