German Dictionary
English | German |
Sample sentences: Language schools in Japan always need foreign staff to hand out flyers. |
Sprachschulen in Japan brauchen immer Ausländer, die Flugblätter für sie austeilen. |
the staff | die Belegschaft; das Personal; die Angestellten |
temporary office staff | Büropersonal auf Zeit |
staff turnover | Personalwechsel; Fluktuation |
shop floor staff(1) | das Verkaufspersonal |
white-collar-staff | Büroangestellte |
staff; employee | Angestellter, Personal |
brief staff | das Personal instruieren |
staff meeting | Personalversammlung |
clerical staff | Büropersonal |
shopfloor staff | Verkaufspersonal |
member of staff | Mitarbeiter(in) |

I am from Italy, but I studied in Frankfurt, in Germany. I am done with my bachelor degree. I am an Engineer since last June. where are you from? Which language do you want to practice? I will start studying next week.
In the autumn of 2006 we flew to South East Asia in order to travel in the region for three weeks. Our first stop was Bangkok airport, where we arrived in the middle of the night, around 4a.m.
The next two hours we were busy with moving our stuff to our new place and organizing our trip to Machu Picchu for the next day.
In the autumn of 2006 we flew to South East Asia in order to travel in the region for three weeks. Our first stop was Bangkok airport, where we arrived in the middle of the night, around 4a.m.
The next two hours we were busy with moving our stuff to our new place and organizing our trip to Machu Picchu for the next day.