German Dictionary
English | German |
Sample sentences: Aged people should train their powers of recollection. |
Alte Menschen sollten ihr Erinnerungsvermögen trainieren. |
Due to a hernia he couldn't train for months. | Wegen einer Hernie konnte er Monate lang nicht trainieren. |
Remember, Steve, the more you train, the stronger you get. | Denk daran, Steve, umso mehr du trainierst, desto stärker wirst du. |
station; train station; railway station | Bahnhof, 3 |
the train station(s) | der Bahnhof, Bahnhöfe |
a southbound train | ein Zug Richtung Süden |
goods train; freight train | Güterzug, 2 |
train driver; engineer | LokführerIn,2 |
to train | trainieren; schulen; unterweisen |
the inter-city train | der Intercity Zug |
boat train | (Schiffs-)Anschlußzug |
to catch the train | den Zug bekommen |

We entered the club which started to fill up around mid-night. The atmosphere was great and many handsome men and beautiful women were dancing on the different floors of the club. We were upstairs.
How much Spanish do you know ? My summer vacations were great. I was two weeks in Ibiza, it was unbelievable! We went to the beach and had a lot of party, every night. Now I am back in my little village near Bochum.
Anyway, our stay in Puerto Varas was nothing special, as the weather was terrible. We continued to Bariloche the same day. It was a 6 hour long bus ride passing the Andes mountains. The views were amazing.
How much Spanish do you know ? My summer vacations were great. I was two weeks in Ibiza, it was unbelievable! We went to the beach and had a lot of party, every night. Now I am back in my little village near Bochum.
Anyway, our stay in Puerto Varas was nothing special, as the weather was terrible. We continued to Bariloche the same day. It was a 6 hour long bus ride passing the Andes mountains. The views were amazing.
English Verbs | ||||
Conjugation of train [ trained, trained ] | ||||
German Verbs | Present | Past | ||
Conjugation of trainieren [trainiert] |
trainiere trainierst trainiert trainieren trainiert trainieren | trainierte trainiertest trainierte trainierten trainiertet trainierten | ||
Conjugation of üben [geübt] |
übe übst übt üben übt üben | übte übtest übte übten übtet übten |