German Dictionary

Translation of Hühnerstall

der Hühnerstall the henhouse    ; the coop    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Heute morgen fanden wir drei neue Küken im Hühnerstall.

This morning, we found three new chicks in the coop.
der Hühnerstall chicken coop

Can we meet on the March 4 or 5 (Tuesday or Wednesday) in Cologne? I am delighted to see you again soon. We are in the beginning of March and we look forward to seeing you next week. Here's a photo.
I have sent you the translation a few hours ago. I guess it has just arrived. That is very responsible of you. I will have a look at it immediately. If you want to address somebody formally in the singular, you must use 'usted'.
Learning a new language is never easy, especially the first foreign language. Unfortunately, it's a bit difficult for me as well. But the vocabulary exercises here are really good.
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