German Dictionary

Translation of entwaffnen

entwaffnen to disarm    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Ich bemerkte, dass er eine Pistole hatte und entwaffnete ihn schleunigst.

I realized he had a handgun and quickly disarmed him.
Er entwaffnete seinen Feind und warf ihn zu Boden. He disarmed his foe and threw him to the ground.

A bystander who watched the entire scene all the time decided to help me. He was an older man, around seventy, but nonetheless he went to the oldest of these kids and slapped him. The boy was sixteen.
Good to hear, where are you moving to? Finally NY, or to Vancouver? Lets you sleep at night... don't get too excited... that may change... Will you be working too? Or simply enjoying motherhood?
I will start working on it next week. You can also have a look at our site and give me some feedbacks. You know Spanish better than I do. so please be patient with our questions. I would really like to help.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of entwaffnen
entwaffne  entwaffnest  entwaffnet  entwaffnen  entwaffnet  entwaffnen  entwaffnete  entwaffnetest  entwaffnete  entwaffneten  entwaffnetet  entwaffneten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of disarm   [ disarmed, disarmed ]