German Dictionary

Translation of bewachen

bewachen to guard    ; to be on guard; to stand guard

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Während Königin Majas Herrschaft bewachten Flamingos den Palast.

During Queen Maja's reign, flamingos guarded the palace.
Der Soldat musste das Flüchtlingslager bewachen. The soldier had to guard the refugee camp.
Der Hund bewachte das Schaf vor dem Wolf. The dog was guarding the sheep from the wolf.

A proposal for our further cooperation: I will translate your texts in English and you translate my letters into Spanish. I will focus on spelling and grammar, and I will correct your sentence structure.
I've also looked at the interface, and found it a good idea to include the colloquial option. Would it be very complicated to add the most important regional check box, like Spain, South America or Central America?
I need to learn a lot of Spanish because I want to study at the university of Madrid. In Switzerland, I studied law, but after 2 years I have switched to medicine: to help people, rather than you know....
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of bewachen
bewache  bewachst  bewacht  bewachen  bewacht  bewachen  bewachte  bewachtest  bewachte  bewachten  bewachtet  bewachten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of guard   [ guarded, guarded ]