Spanish Dictionary

Think always positively. There will be very hard times where even the ones who are supposed to be the closest will say things that will disappoint you the most. Listen to them but with caution.
They are not used to live together with other religions and cultures and they do not know how to coexist. In each region people assume things about others, but in some regions the hatred grows.
On the way we met a nice village girl which tried to sell us some souvenirs. We told her that we would not buy from her. Her English was excellent, and we did not believe that she was twelve years old.
They are not used to live together with other religions and cultures and they do not know how to coexist. In each region people assume things about others, but in some regions the hatred grows.
On the way we met a nice village girl which tried to sell us some souvenirs. We told her that we would not buy from her. Her English was excellent, and we did not believe that she was twelve years old.
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