Spanish Dictionary

Translation of demandar

demandar     to demand    ; to claim    
demandar     to sue    

Translation by Vocabulix


demandar to sue

I congratulate you on your move to become a private Spanish teacher. People need to believe in you and the most important thing is that you need to believe in yourself. It won't be easy at the beginning.
It can also be directed against a group of people who have anything in common, such as religion or being from the same nation. Being that it gives one the fake feeling of superiority and self-confidence.
She was a very cute twenty six year old woman from the area, had a perfect English and could be understood well. She told us to put on good shoes and we started walking towards the valley.
Most common translations: decano    curtir    cuanto    coyote    cordillera    continuación    conocer    condado    compasivo    colección   

Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of demandar
demando  demandas  demanda  demandamos  demandáis  demandan  demandaba  demandabas  demandaba  demandábamos  demandabais  demandaban  demandé  demandaste  demandó  demandamos  demandasteis  demandaron  demandaré  demandarás  demandará  demandaremos  demandaréis  demandarán 
English Verbs    
Conjugation of claim   [ claimed, claimed ]
Conjugation of demand   [ demanded, demanded ]
Conjugation of sue   [ sued, sued ]