Spanish Dictionary

Translation of worthless in Spanish

worthless     sin valor

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
She thought that she had a diamond ring, but actually the ring is worthless.

Ella pensaba que tenía un anillo de diamantes, pero en realidad el anillo no vale nada.

Yes, I speak a little bit of English. I'm just beginning to take English courses in private evening classes. Is your Spanish good? I will speak to you in Spanish and you teach me in English.
What kind of music do you like? I am a classical music and rock fan, but not a techno fan. I believe that strange combination of tastes say a lot about a person. I certainly want to take art as a major.
I do not like London, my home is in southern England, and there is a lot of work there too. A lot of people are moving to London just for work. I've been here for 10 years and I am studying chemistry.
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