Spanish Dictionary

Translation of tremble in Spanish

to tremble     temblar    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
It was a chilly night and they trembled with cold.

Era una noche fría y ellos temblaban de frío.
to tremble; to shake temblar

Your ask why i am learning English ? I made a trip two years ago, a vacation in a foreign country and I could not speak with other people. That was very bad for me. When I came back home I began to study English.
We drove to the next spot exactly at noon. We were told that this spot would not be crowded at all during the lunch hour and we were not surprised to find it completely empty without anyone else.
This moment by itself made the flight and its delay worth. Although we regarded Arequipa as a hub on the way to Chile, it turned out to be a very charming city.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of tremble   [ trembled, trembled ]
Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of temblar
tiemblo  tiemblas  tiembla  temblamos  tembláis  tiemblan  temblaba  temblabas  temblaba  temblábamos  temblabais  temblaban  temblé  temblaste  tembló  temblamos  temblasteis  temblaron  temblaré  temblarás  temblará  temblaremos  temblaréis  temblarán