Spanish Dictionary

We bought a Sandwich and were looking for a taxi, but the streets were so crowded that we had to wait nearly one hour to find a cab. We even had to walk a few blocks in order to catch one.
I hope you can understand my English. I want to study English over the Internet! Sorry for not having written you during the last few days, but I am starting a new job on Monday and gotta relax till than.
In the afternoon we went to the Cerro Catedral which is a small mountain not far (30 minutes) from the city. You can either climb up or take the chair lift. We chose the second option.
I hope you can understand my English. I want to study English over the Internet! Sorry for not having written you during the last few days, but I am starting a new job on Monday and gotta relax till than.
In the afternoon we went to the Cerro Catedral which is a small mountain not far (30 minutes) from the city. You can either climb up or take the chair lift. We chose the second option.
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