Spanish Dictionary

Translation of thousand in Spanish

thousand      mil     

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
He was the highest bidder and paid two thousand dollars for the painting.

Fue el mayor postor y pagó dos mil dólares por la pintura.
Quinoa has been cultivated in South America for thousands of years. Hace miles de años que se cultiva quinoa en América del Sur.
The last earthquake in Haiti destroyed thousands of houses. El último terremoto en Haití destruyó miles de casas.
two thousand dos mil
one thousand mil

I was wondering if you can tell me if few words how to study here because I don't know that's why I'm not on line most of the time,thanks. Can you help me explaining me how to do the lessons, I still don't understand it
Yes I do live in the United States of America. Thanks for contacting me! I am okay with my Spanish, but when creating sentences I'm terrible at using the right form of the la, el, un y una.
I think I have to switch back to English. It will take me two years until I write an entire letter in German and I suppose I do not have the time for it. Does that mean that I am not serious about learning?
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