Spanish Dictionary

Translation of telephone in Spanish

to telephone     telefonear    
the telephone     el teléfono    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
I have just phoned her but her telephone is busy.

Recién la llamé pero su teléfono daba ocupado.
The telephone is ringing; could you please answer it? El teléfono está sonando, ¿podrías atenderlo por favor?
You can find the telephone number on the company's letterhead. Usted puede encontrar el número de teléfono en el membrete de la empresa.
telephone el teléfono(1); e' (2nd)
telephone directory guía
the telephone call la llamada
diary, telephone book agenda

I was one time in Oxford. I'm studying social work in Austria. I'm living near Salzburg. It's in the middle of Austria. What are you doing in Oxford? Studying, teaching or working? Please stay in touch with me.
At exactly seven thirty Simathay appeared in the lobby. He seemed ready to move but we were not yet. In the end he pushed us to hurry up to avoid the crowds at the gate so that we left immediately.
We were a little sad that we had to leave Peru so soon, but we had to take the 7.30 bus which would take us to the Chilean border. Chile and Argentina were still the main destinations of our trip.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of telephone   [ telephoned, telephoned ]
Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of telefonear
telefoneo  telefoneas  telefonea  telefoneamos  telefoneáis  telefonean  telefoneaba  telefoneabas  telefoneaba  telefoneábamos  telefoneabais  telefoneaban  telefoneé  telefoneaste  telefoneó  telefoneamos  telefoneasteis  telefonearon  telefonearé  telefonearás  telefoneará  telefonearemos  telefonearéis  telefonearán