Spanish Dictionary

Translation of stye in Spanish

the stye     el orzuelo    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
He consulted an ophthalmologist because of the sty in his eye.

Consultó a un oftalmólogo por el orzuelo en su ojo.

I will built a function that will do all lowercase but meanwhile, I would be happy if it could be rewritten to lower case... Is it possible for you? They should all be lowercase, I did it inadvertently.
I had never heard the phrase before. In America, there are also different idioms than here in England. It seems that the Americans say it differently than we do here in the United Kingdom.
I want to learn more Spanish. I live in Basel, I am married and I have a sweet daughter called Monika. She is 3 years old. Are you doing sports or don't you like it? For me it is essential.
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