Spanish Dictionary
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shopkeeper | el tendero |

The first day in a new place is always a little strange. One has to get used to the new environment. I believe that the more someone tries to adapt the faster he gets used to new spots and new people.
Regretably they are fighting at the wrong 'frontline'. They are fighting there because there they can win. Nothing gets solved though. One needs to tackle the real issues and not flee for political reasons.
We managed to get a few hours of bad sleep and arrived at the destination called Lao Cai, the capital of the province with the same name. It was only 370km from Hanoi, but the ride lasted nine hours.
Regretably they are fighting at the wrong 'frontline'. They are fighting there because there they can win. Nothing gets solved though. One needs to tackle the real issues and not flee for political reasons.
We managed to get a few hours of bad sleep and arrived at the destination called Lao Cai, the capital of the province with the same name. It was only 370km from Hanoi, but the ride lasted nine hours.