Spanish Dictionary

Translation of ship in Spanish

to ship     despachar    
the ship      el barco     
the ship     el buque    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Who is at the helm of the ship now?

¿Quién está en el timón del barco ahora?
He doesn't like ships, he'd rather be on the mainland. No le gustan los barcos, prefiere estar en tierra firme.
The ship sent a Mayday call before sinking. El barco envió una llamada pidiendo socorro antes de hundirse.
vessel (ship) la embarcación
vessel, ship el barco

The four of us ate dinner at this cozy place. As always, we ate meat. After desert we headed to a night club, when my wife started to feel a little dizzy. She blamed the wine, but i had a bad feeling.
We had a great first impression of the people in Cambodia. We were expecting that people would like to take advantage of us but it wasn't the case at all. Our driver for example was very kind.
Unfortunately, I have never been to the United States, but I was in Mexico last year, that is close. Zurich is a very nice city, the people are friendly and the lake is very beautiful.
Newly added translation: sociable    stay    surrender    think    tray    vacuum    wheel    Arizona    USA    aluminum   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of ship   [ shipped, shipped ]
Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of despachar
despacho  despachas  despacha  despachamos  despacháis  despachan  despachaba  despachabas  despachaba  despachábamos  despachabais  despachaban  despaché  despachaste  despachó  despachamos  despachasteis  despacharon  despacharé  despacharás  despachará  despacharemos  despacharéis  despacharán