Spanish Dictionary

Translation of sauce in Spanish

the sauce      la salsa     

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
This tomato sauce needs a bit of thyme to be really tasty.

Esta salsa de tomate precisa un poco de tomillo para estar realmente sabrosa.
I don't like to put tarragon in a sauce because it has too strong a taste. No me gusta poner estragón en una salsa porque tiene un sabor demasiado fuerte.
I usually use cumin to give flavor to sauces. Normalmente utilizo comino para dar sabor a salsas.
tomato sauce la salsa de tomate
sauce salsa

Next winter I'm going to Spain, where i hope to study Spanish. It's easy to visit Germany. Munich is a big city in Bayern...It's a nice city. Lot's of restaurants, nice buildings, a lake nearby and really friendly people.
Nevertheless, I agreed to go there and check it out. It looked much better than the one that we booked in advance and we decided to stay there for two nights. It had a great pool and we were welcomed with drinks.
Needless to say, Machu Picchu has earned its reputation and was definitely one of the highlights of our journey: We took the train to Aguas Calientes in the early morning.
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