Spanish Dictionary

Translation of pose in Spanish

to pose     posar    
the pose     la actitud    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
They were not on speaking terms; nevertheless, they posed together for the photographs.

No se hablaban, sin embargo, posaron juntos para las fotografías.
to pose, suggest, cause plantear
to pose posar

The entrance hall where the passports were checked was renovated and had many ads for products from Western countries. Once we passed it and picked up our luggage we were looking for a ride into the city.
A flew hours later we landed in Siem Reap. The land around us was amazingly green and the weather was very humid. We were still in shock while driving into the city center with our driver.
The American girls came with T-shirt and sandals, not exactly the right equipment for a trip 5000 meter over sea level and minus 10 degrees outside temperature during the day. Anyway, the landscape was fantastic.
Do you know the meaning of? put on    replace    sausage    shepherd    so-so    station    surgeon    thick    trap    username   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of pose   [ posed, posed ]
Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of posar
poso  posas  posa  posamos  posáis  posan  posaba  posabas  posaba  posábamos  posabais  posaban  posé  posaste  posó  posamos  posasteis  posaron  posaré  posarás  posará  posaremos  posaréis  posarán