Spanish Dictionary
English | Spanish |
Sample sentences: There was a shoot out between two opposite gangs. |
Hubo un tiroteo entre dos bandas opuestas. |
When she saw him along the street, she crossed to the opposite sidewalk. | Cuando lo vio por la calle, cruzó a la acera opuesta. |
opposite; opposing; contrary | contrario |
to be opposite to; oppose | oponerse a |
on the opposite | enfrente de |
towards; opposite | frente a |
However I must say that if one is not very interested in archaeology or in architecture a two days visit would be enough. Unfortunately we had only one more day in this beautiful country.
He picked us up and we started by visiting the floating village, an hour away from the city. We went on a boat which took us to the floating village, were Vietnamese refugees would live on boat houses.
We found someone to fix our tire in Villa La Angostura, a village on the other side of the lake. We also ate lunch there and enjoyed the atmosphere of this little town, before moving on to the seven lakes drive.
He picked us up and we started by visiting the floating village, an hour away from the city. We went on a boat which took us to the floating village, were Vietnamese refugees would live on boat houses.
We found someone to fix our tire in Villa La Angostura, a village on the other side of the lake. We also ate lunch there and enjoyed the atmosphere of this little town, before moving on to the seven lakes drive.