Spanish Dictionary
I saw that you agreed to work for the dictionary. thanks for that. The payment is 0.04US$ per translation. If you skip the word for any reason, it would not count. Could we try out 100 translations as a trial?
The fact that James is active in many industries in Colorado, does not mean that the same must apply abroad, let's say in Spain. This fact complicates the ability to learn English in everyday life.
I like music very much too. I prefer classic music, but rock is also good. When you come to my Berlin we need to out to concerts together and visit a few bars. They are all close to the center.
The fact that James is active in many industries in Colorado, does not mean that the same must apply abroad, let's say in Spain. This fact complicates the ability to learn English in everyday life.
I like music very much too. I prefer classic music, but rock is also good. When you come to my Berlin we need to out to concerts together and visit a few bars. They are all close to the center.