Spanish Dictionary

Translation of lucky in Spanish

lucky     afortunado    
lucky     suertudo    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
What a lucky guy! He won the jackpot of the raffle!

¡Qué tipo con suerte! Se ganó el primer premio de la rifa.
lucky suerte

Although it was only one thirty we had already seen a lot. The ones who tell you that you could stay there for a week and not see everything are actually right. The entire region is vast.
And off we went. It took a us only a few minutes to reach the village. Funnily my wife fell asleep as she was still tired of the flight. It has been more than twenty eight hours without sleep.
Although it was a beautiful region and a very lovely town it reminded me to much of home and I decided that I wanted to move on. We called Aerolinias Argentinas very early to book a flight for the same day.
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