Spanish Dictionary

Translation of knit in Spanish

to knit     tejer    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
You need eight hanks of wool to knit this sweater.

Necesita ocho madejas de lana para tejer este suéter.
The cat tangled the wool you were knitting. El gato enredó la lana que estabas tejiendo.
Her pastimes are reading, knitting and watching TV. Sus pasatiempos son leer, tejer y ver la televisión.

We felt a little dumb and waited for the hot water. The boiler seemed not to work and we started to become upset. We asked the technician to come once again and he admitted his mistake.
The next morning we felt much better, but we decided to stay in bed the entire morning to fully recover. We watched some Seinfeld episodes which were running every morning at around 10a.m.
There was no one on the street and we did not feel to comfortable. The first hotel we entered, was build from clay. We saw an elderly English couple just leaving their room. We went to the reception.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of knit   [ knitted, knitted ]
Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of tejer
tejo  tejes  teje  tejemos  tejéis  tejen  tejía  tejías  tejía  tejíamos  tejíais  tejían  tejí  tejiste  tejió  tejimos  tejisteis  tejieron  tejeré  tejerás  tejerá  tejeremos  tejeréis  tejerán