Spanish Dictionary

Translation of grow in Spanish

to grow      crecer     

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Not all these tadpoles will grow to become frogs.

No todos estos renacuajos crecerán hasta convertirse en ranas.
The fire was terrible and the flames were growing every moment. El incendio era terrible y las llamas crecían a cada momento.
This is a dry land and needs irrigation for something to grow on it. Esta es una tierra seca y necesita riego para que algo crezca en ella.
to grow crecer /zc/
to grow cultivar

I thought it would have been nice to meet each other in person. Do you prefer to teach adults or children? Of course, I want to learn more English and I can help you to learn more German.
Next week I will go with my girlfriend to our local market. There is a nice party there, similar to the "Oktoberfest" in Munich. There you can have party and we want to drink some beer and dance on the tables.
Spain seems do be doing much better since the 1970. It is completely democratic now. At work I have a lot of meetings with International companies and therefore I want to know many languages.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of grow   [ grew, grown ]
Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of crecer
crezco  creces  crece  crecemos  crecéis  crecen  crecía  crecías  crecía  crecíamos  crecíais  crecían  crecí  creciste  creció  crecimos  crecisteis  crecieron  creceré  crecerás  crecerá  creceremos  creceréis  crecerán