Spanish Dictionary

Translation of frisk in Spanish

to frisk     cachear    ; registrar    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
The policeman frisked him in search of guns.

El policía lo cacheó en busca de armas.

I will send you a summary of the activities from our last vacation last year, but I will be brief, so I will send only the highlights. It is best if we discuss everything, in the beginning of August.
If I look at dictionaries they do not give long sentences, only specific words and their meaning when they are used in a compounded form, which by the way can mean something totally different than when used by themselves.
What do you think about your job as a teacher? Is it difficult? Of course we can talk via MSN. My name is John and I live near Stuttgart. This is in the south of our republic.
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Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of registrar
registro  registras  registra  registramos  registráis  registran  registraba  registrabas  registraba  registrábamos  registrabais  registraban  registré  registraste  registró  registramos  registrasteis  registraron  registraré  registrarás  registrará  registraremos  registraréis  registrarán