Spanish Dictionary
English | Spanish |
Sample sentences: Many London buildings were destructed during World War II. |
Muchos edificios de Londres fueron destruidos durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. |
Please take into account, that on May 10 and 11 there are holidays in the United States and that we do not work on Saturday. This will leave only the 15th, 16th and 17th for a company visit.
If I look at dictionaries they do not give long sentences, only specific words and their meaning when they are used in a compounded form, which by the way can mean something totally different than when used by themselves.
Sure we can do that. What will you be doing there? Spanish lessons? I am simply trying to understand. I will translate the text into Spanish. Many greetings and I would love to see you soon.
If I look at dictionaries they do not give long sentences, only specific words and their meaning when they are used in a compounded form, which by the way can mean something totally different than when used by themselves.
Sure we can do that. What will you be doing there? Spanish lessons? I am simply trying to understand. I will translate the text into Spanish. Many greetings and I would love to see you soon.
Spanish Verbs | Present | Past I | II | Future |
Conjugation of destruir [destruido] |
destruyo destruyes destruye destruimos destruís destruyen | destruía destruías destruía destruíamos destruíais destruían | destruí destruiste destruyó destruimos destruisteis destruyeron | destruiré destruirás destruirá destruiremos destruiréis destruirán |