Spanish Dictionary

Translation of coexist in Spanish

to coexist     coexistir    

Translation by Vocabulix


I've got a question. What is a woodpecker? I learn English without teacher and without conversation. I think you should look on the bright side. See what do you already know and to be proud of.
Just as we finished exploring the temple and were about to leave the big tourist buses arrived. We listened to a Cambodian song played by a group of handicapped musicians and left to see other sites.
The same afternoon (October 4) we took a flight to Arequipa, spearing a bus ride of 12 hours. Due to heavy winds we had a delay of 2 hours. We took off at around 4.30pm.
Lately viewed by others: commodity    concoction    conserve    conventional    cottage    credit card    cunning    dark    deeply    dental   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of coexist   [ coexisted, coexisted ]
Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of coexistir
coexisto  coexistes  coexiste  coexistimos  coexistís  coexisten  coexistía  coexistías  coexistía  coexistíamos  coexistíais  coexistían  coexistí  coexististe  coexistió  coexistimos  coexististeis  coexistieron  coexistiré  coexistirás  coexistirá  coexistiremos  coexistiréis  coexistirán