Spanish Dictionary

Translation of bossy in Spanish

bossy     mandón    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Lily is quite bossy and is always telling her little sister what to do.

Lily es muy mandona y siempre le está diciendo a su hermanita qué hacer.

If you want to learn, you need milestones, so that you can plan your learning curve. Together, we will decide on 3-4 days, where we will study intensely. Perhaps your German will get a little bit better by then.
Then you can add me as a new friend in your Facebook account. I'll confirm it and you can send an email to my new address if it is publicly displayed and available. Or you can send it through SMS.
Since when have you been learning Spanish? My children are not on Vocabulix, they are too small for it. We have no time for the normal day activities, and we are always on the move with the children.
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