Spanish Dictionary

Translation of behave in Spanish

to behave      comportarse     
to behave      portarse     

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
She always behaves with decorum.

Ella siempre se comporta con decoro.
Though he was angry with her, he behaved as a gentleman. Aunque estaba enojado con ella, se comportó como un caballero.
He behaves in a suave way that I find hypocritical. Él se comporta de una manera suave que me parece hipócrita.
to behave well potarse bien(1)
to behave portarse

At the end of October my family will be taking a short vacation to Biron Bay north of Sidney. My wife wants to visit the coast. There are many good restaurants near Brion Bay with fresh seafood.
I work at an insurance company and the last 4 years i was employed there. So now, I am finishing with this job at end of the year. I got to find something new. Where in Italy are you from?
In the evening we stayed in our room, watching an old James Bond. On the second day, we went to the Bellavista neighborhood and ate at a Chinese restaurant, rice is supposed to be good against stomach pain...
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of behave   [ behaved, bed ]
Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of comportarse
[me comportado]
me comporto  te comportas  se comporta  nos comportamos  os comportáis  se comportan  me comportaba  te comportabas  se comportaba  nos comportábamos  os comportabais  se comportaban  me comporté  te comportaste  se comportó  nos comportamos  os comportasteis  se comportaron  me comportaré  te comportarás  se comportará  nos comportaremos  os comportaréis  se comportarán 
Conjugation of portarse
[me portado]
me porto  te portas  se porta  nos portamos  os portáis  se portan  me portaba  te portabas  se portaba  nos portábamos  os portabais  se portaban  me porté  te portaste  se portó  nos portamos  os portasteis  se portaron  me portaré  te portarás  se portará  nos portaremos  os portaréis  se portarán