Spanish Dictionary

Translation of be mistaken in Spanish

to be mistaken      equivocarse     

Translation by Vocabulix


I was one time in Oxford. I'm studying social work in Austria. I'm living near Salzburg. It's in the middle of Austria. What are you doing in Oxford? Studying, teaching or working? Please stay in touch with me.
Well I take Spanish classes in college, that's the only useful language they offer, but if they had French I would be taking French. It sounds so nice. I have been lazy lately and I'm not really good at it.
Dinner was nothing special in this town and the restaurant wasn't either. Most waiters and the owner himself were more interested in Chile's qualifying soccer game than in their guests.
People also searched for: berth    biz    bolt    branching    brunch    by heart    canvas    catalogue    chamber    chickie   

Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of equivocarse
[me equivocado]
me equivoco  te equivocas  se equivoca  nos equivocamos  os equivocáis  se equivocan  me equivocaba  te equivocabas  se equivocaba  nos equivocábamos  os equivocabais  se equivocaban  me equivoqué  te equivocaste  se equivocó  nos equivocamos  os equivocasteis  se equivocaron  me equivocaré  te equivocarás  se equivocará  nos equivocaremos  os equivocaréis  se equivocarán