Spanish Dictionary

Translation of agnosticism in Spanish

the agnosticism     el agnosticismo    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Agnosticism is a philosophical school that maintains that is impossible to know anything beyond experience.

El agnosticismo es una corriente filosófica que sostiene que no es posible conocer lo que trasciende la experiencia.

We bought a Sandwich and were looking for a taxi, but the streets were so crowded that we had to wait nearly one hour to find a cab. We even had to walk a few blocks in order to catch one.
Sammy our cab driver brought us to the hotel, he promised to pick us up a few hours later. We took a shower and rested a little. I could not sleep because I was too excited of being in a new country.
Thanks a lot for the correction, they are very helpful and so are you in general. As I mentioned earlier I need more practice to write entire sentences in French and it takes a lot of time.
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