Spanish Dictionary

Translation of African in Spanish

the African     el africano    
African     africano    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
The rand is the South African currency.

El rand es la moneda sudafricana.
The American slaves were of African origin. Los esclavos estadounidenses eran de origen africano.
She studies anthropology and dreams of working with some exotic African tribe. Ella estudia antropología y sueña con trabajar con alguna tribu africana exótica.

Once inside, not waiting in line, and not paying, our new friend took us to the VIP balcony. Our old friends did not understand how we organized all this so quickly and neither did we (to be honest).
i am student in Zurich. i think that you can learn Spanish quickly. I also registered just a month ago in order to practice some Spanish. i hope i will improve my Spanish soon at this website. We can do it together?
After a while a truck drove by. The driver offered us a ride on the back of the truck. We jumped in. A little later we were back in the hotel, exhausted and hungry. It was time for another great meal.
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