Spanish Dictionary

Translation of rugby

el rugby     the rugby    

Pronunciation of rugby    

Translation by Vocabulix


Anyway, after an hour or so, I decided to head back to the host family as we agreed that I would return for dinner. I took one of these little yellow scooter taxis that were present all over Cuba.
The woman has to decide if she wants to carry the baby or to have an abortion. She is a victim of her own situation, suffering restlessly and thinking continuously about her unwanted pregnancy.
I had to fly to Switzerland very urgently on Sunday, now I am back. Anyway, attached is a newsletter that will be sent to the users of Vocabulix. Should there be any changes, it would be nice.
Newly added translation: riego    restar    repentino    rehogar    recubrir    reanudación    racismo    pómulo    psiquiatra    promedio