Spanish Dictionary

Translation of rubio

rubio     blond    
rubio     blonde    

Pronunciation of rubio    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Lo llaman gringo porque no es mexicano, es rubio y no habla bien español.

They call him gringo because he isn't Mexican, he is blond and doesn't speak Spanish well.
Ella tiene pelo rubio y ondulado. She has blond wavy hair.
Su hijo es rubio y regordete. His son is blond and chubby.

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Please write me from your home as soon as your are back. My Spanish is better than that of most Americans, but my English is worse than that of most people here. It is a strange position that I am in.
I boarded the AA flight to Cancun, and got there around two o'clock. It was my first time in Mexico. On the same night I had a flight booked to Havana, but I did not know whether I should take it.
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