Spanish Dictionary

Translation of rodada

la rodada     the rut    

Pronunciation of rodada    

Translation by Vocabulix


I think we will start Spanish-English and then German-Spanish. Were my explanations clear that when the correct word appeared in the alternative suggestions one needs just to press skip? I think it is normal.
I think I have told you that I won't charge you for this kind of help. I looked at the sentences and I found them a little too long. They were good, but I understand why it took you so long and I think the point is too keep the shorter.
It's very good that you can learn English with the help of technology (Internet), I think you'll learn quickly. Although I am now getting better, I feel the improvement. But once again I lack vocabulary.
Newly added translation: retro    requisar    remedio    reflexivo    reciclar    rapero    quienquiera    pulverizar    prosperidad    probabilidad