Spanish Dictionary

Translation of reunión

la reunión      the meeting     
la reunión     the rally    ; the reunion    

Pronunciation of reunión    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
La reunión cuenta con una gran asistencia.

The meeting has a very large attendance.
Bill trató de combinar sus reuniones con el fin de tenerlas todas el mismo día. Bill tried to combine his meetings in order to have them all the same day.
La reunión se pospuso para otro día. The meeting was postponed for another day.
la reunión gathering; get-together

They do not care and that means that they just want to be happy, independent and wealthy and do not strive to be a powerful nation like the countries that surround it. It is completely different.
Good luck with your studies in February, say hello to Nina and a kiss to Rose. Enjoy the great first moments..., they are all unique and unforgettable. Being mama fits you great! Happy for you.
Eating in that Sushi place was fan as everybody was greeted loudly whenever entering the restaurant. The quality of the Sushi was not the best, it was a fast food place, but we really enjoyed it.
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