Spanish Dictionary

Translation of recorte

el recorte     the scrap    ; the cut    ; the clipping    
el recorte     the snip    

Pronunciation of recorte    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Los arbustos de mi jardín necesitan un recorte.

The bushes in my garden need to be trimmed.
Las uñas de Johnny están muy largas, necesitan un recorte. Johnny's fingernails are too long; they need clipping.
La anciana tenía algunos recortes de periódicos de la época en que era una artista famosa. The old lady had some newspaper snips from the time she was a famous artist.

I grabbed a burger from an American fast food chain and swallowed it immediately, as I had not eaten for a while. I boarded the machine and could feel a slight stomachache but decided to ignore.
He has helped me to take a decision and although I carried my entire laguage with me I returned to El Panchan for the night. We returned there in the early evening and I was happy to find a room.
I had to get used to riding the bike and I almost fell a few times. I drove on the main road and stopped at several little villages near the beach. The locals were very friendly and welcoming.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of cut   [ cut, cut ]
Conjugation of scrap   [ scrapped, scrapped ]