Spanish Dictionary
Spanish | English |
Sample sentences: Ella no puede doblar la pierna porque tiene problemas con el tendón de la corva. |
She can't bend her leg because she has problems with the hamstring. |
Él usa muletas porque tiene una pierna rota. | He uses crutches because he has a broken leg. |
Tropezó con el escalón de la escalera, se cayó y se rompió una pierna. | He stumbled on the stairs, and fell down and broke his leg. |
romperse una pierna | to break one's leg |

He wants to say that peace and brutality are very connected. In one line he is talking about the cleanness and in the next line he is talking about the witches' broth. How good is that, isn't it?
As I understood from you, the redirection, as you implemented it now would not be necessary. From our phone conversation last week I understood that all language instructions are detected by default.
We managed to get a few hours of bad sleep and arrived at the destination called Lao Cai, the capital of the province with the same name. It was only 370km from Hanoi, but the ride lasted nine hours.
As I understood from you, the redirection, as you implemented it now would not be necessary. From our phone conversation last week I understood that all language instructions are detected by default.
We managed to get a few hours of bad sleep and arrived at the destination called Lao Cai, the capital of the province with the same name. It was only 370km from Hanoi, but the ride lasted nine hours.