Spanish Dictionary
Spanish | English |
Sample sentences: Las catapultas antiguas se utilizaban para arrojar piedras o fuego dentro de las ciudades fortificadas. |
The ancient catapults were used to throw stones or fire inside fortified cities. |
Las ágatas son piedras semipreciosas que pueden tener diferentes colores. | Agates are semi-precious stones that can have different colors. |
El niño lanzó una piedra al río y se formó un remolino en el agua. | The child threw a stone into the river and a swirl was made in the water. |
la Piedra del Sol | SUN Stone |
la piedra | stone/rock |

On the contrary, Swiss like to isolate themselves from the rest, maybe because the believe that they are superior or better, or maybe because they are just afraid of the unknown, change is not happening.
Please respond as soon as possible and we will try to fit the best solution. Oh, and we definitely need to change the sentence!!! Some good thoughts you had. We will check the trick with the auto complete...
On our last day we went to visit Stanley, a small town on Honk Kong island, actually on the other side of the mountain. The ride to the town was nice but the town itself was nothing special.
Please respond as soon as possible and we will try to fit the best solution. Oh, and we definitely need to change the sentence!!! Some good thoughts you had. We will check the trick with the auto complete...
On our last day we went to visit Stanley, a small town on Honk Kong island, actually on the other side of the mountain. The ride to the town was nice but the town itself was nothing special.
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