Spanish Dictionary
Spanish | English |
Sample sentences: Está pesado y se bambolea con paso inseguro al caminar. |
He is heavy and sways unsteadily when he walks. |
Ella dio un paso a un costado para dejar que su hijo maneje solo el negocio. | She stepped aside to let her son handle the business by himself. |
Escuchó los misteriosos pasos que provenían de una habitación donde ella sabía que no había nadie. | She listened to uncanny steps that came from a room where she knew there was nobody. |
el paso | the step |
paso | step |

He wants to say that peace and brutality are very connected. In one line he is talking about the cleanness and in the next line he is talking about the witches' broth. How good is that, isn't it?
Unfortunately, it is a natural and eternal phenomenon of human beings. Whereever people have been, it appeared too. Please let me define racism in my next email to you and please share also your thoughts.
Police cars drove around the town and called all citizens and tourists to leave the island immediately. I was told, that the hurricane which was supposed to go over Cuba was on the way to us.
Unfortunately, it is a natural and eternal phenomenon of human beings. Whereever people have been, it appeared too. Please let me define racism in my next email to you and please share also your thoughts.
Police cars drove around the town and called all citizens and tourists to leave the island immediately. I was told, that the hurricane which was supposed to go over Cuba was on the way to us.
English Verbs | ||||
Conjugation of step [ stepped, stepped ] |