Spanish Dictionary

We can recognize the facts and how they are. So we might observe a lot of things but we will never understand, we will never know why the flower is red, what brought the little aninal to that height.
I visited a few churches near the center and decided to climb the mountains nearby, on which there were also churches. My intention was to get a good shot at the town from above, a bird view.
What browser and Operating System are you using? Opera and Windows maybe? We will try to fix the bug. However in Internet Explorer 6 or in Mozilla we did not see it. We will do our best, promised!
I visited a few churches near the center and decided to climb the mountains nearby, on which there were also churches. My intention was to get a good shot at the town from above, a bird view.
What browser and Operating System are you using? Opera and Windows maybe? We will try to fix the bug. However in Internet Explorer 6 or in Mozilla we did not see it. We will do our best, promised!