Spanish Dictionary
Spanish | English |
Sample sentences: Él se rompió el caballete de la nariz durante la pelea. |
He broke the ridge of his nose during the fight. |
Cuando ella se ríe su nariz se frunce de manera graciosa. | Her nose puckers in a cute way when she laughs. |
Se golpeó la nariz contra la puerta de vidrio. | He bashed his nose against the glass door. |
el nariz | nose |
la nariz | Nose |

He wants to say that peace and brutality are very connected. In one line he is talking about the cleanness and in the next line he is talking about the witches' broth. How good is that, isn't it?
I will forward the words to you tomorrow or Sunday, once they give their OK. Which hotel did you book? Did you speak to the Chef de cuisine and can I make the reservation at the restaurant?
The next day it we had another hike, this time much further away, but luckily downhill. We again walked through various rice fields and rice terraces, along rivers and through hill tribe villages.
I will forward the words to you tomorrow or Sunday, once they give their OK. Which hotel did you book? Did you speak to the Chef de cuisine and can I make the reservation at the restaurant?
The next day it we had another hike, this time much further away, but luckily downhill. We again walked through various rice fields and rice terraces, along rivers and through hill tribe villages.