German Dictionary

Translation of wound in German

to wound     verwunden
the wound      die Wunde 
the wound     die Blessur; die Wunde

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Luckily a medic who could treat the wounded was on site.

Zum Glück war ein Sanitäter, welcher die Verwundeten behandeln konnte an der Stelle.
The bandage clung to the bleeding wound and wouldn't come off. Der Verband klebte an der blutenden Wunde und ging nicht ab.
to dress a wound; dress a wound eine Wunde verbinden
gash; gaping wound klaffende Wunde
wound up überdreht
wound Wunde,verwunden
to wound verletzen
wound Schnittwunde
to wound verwunden
Wound Die Wunde
wound wand

I am Spanish Teacher. I graduated last year, in August. I studied mostly in Germany. I have been working for nine months as a teacher in many language schools but soon I will be a student again.
how are you? Where do you live in Austria? I hope your Spanish is good enough that you understand my sentences! If you can't understand it i will write this in English. I live in Munich, btw.
I have another question to you: How old are you? You look very young on your picture. Your life sounds really interesting but I cannot imagine how it is to live there. Is it safe there?
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of wound   [ wounded, wounded ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of verwunden
verwunde  verwundest  verwundet  verwunden  verwundet  verwunden  verwundete  verwundetest  verwundete  verwundeten  verwundetet  verwundeten