German Dictionary

Translation of waste in German

to waste     verschwenden
the waste     der Abfall; der Müll; die Verschwendung

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The mistrial had been a waste of time.

Der ungültige Prozess war Zeitverschwendung gewesen.
Let's not waste time talking about nonexistent problems. Lass uns keine Zeit damit verschwenden, über nicht existierende Probleme zu reden.
The disposal of toxic waste can be a profitable enterprise. Die Entsorgung von Giftmüll kann ein einträgliches Geschäft bedeuten.
the refuse; the garbage; the waste der Abfall; der Müll
to waste on verschwenden für; vergeuden für
to waste; to save verschwenden; Gg: sichern/retten
to waste sth etwas verschwenden; vergeuden
waste Verschwendung; Abfall; verschwenden
Waste Storage Area Müll-Lagerhalle
the waste paper basket der Papierkorb
the waste; fall; decline der Abfall
a waste of time Zeitverschwendung

He has already asked me for packaging instructions: They said that you should place them in the original box, which you have kept. That's all I have got from them. I hope that you and your child are both well.
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We considered staying a little longer in this region but the weather forecast foresaw heavy winds and lots of rain. We therefore decided to move on to our next destination which was the Peninsula Valdes.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of waste   [ wasted, wasted ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of verschwenden
verschwende  verschwendest  verschwendet  verschwenden  verschwendet  verschwenden  verschwendete  verschwendetest  verschwendete  verschwendeten  verschwendetet  verschwendeten