German Dictionary

Translation of vary in German

to vary     variieren; ändern

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
I think his performance varies according to his frame of mind that day.

Ich glaube, seine Leistung variiert seiner Tagesform entsprechend.
The graph showed the varying amounts of sodium in the solution. Der Graph zeigte die schwankenden Anteile von Natrium in der Lösung.
to vary sich ändern; unterschiedlich sein
to vary variieren; sich verändern
to vary sich unterscheiden
to vary (sich) ändern

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The advantage of this change is that: 1. it improves the response time after every asked word by double. 2. Some do not want to save their lessons, they just want to test it without results being collected...
She could not join me since her flight to Israel was supposed to leave in less than 48 hours. I helped her carrying the bag to a hostel in Cancun and we went together to the airport. I postponed my flight again.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of vary   [ varied, varied ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of variieren
variiere  variierst  variiert  variieren  variiert  variieren  variierte  variiertest  variierte  variierten  variiertet  variierten     
Conjugation of ändern
ändere  änderst  ändert  ändern  ändert  ändern  änderte  ändertest  änderte  änderten  ändertet  änderten