German Dictionary
English | German |
Sample sentences: I had some sort of premonition that things would develop this way. |
Ich hatte eine Art Vorahnung, dass sich die Dinge auf diese Art entwickeln würden. |
Under the pretense that he was sick, he cancelled the invitation for dinner tonight. | Unter dem Vorwand, dass er krank sei, sagte er die Einladung zum heutigen Abendessen ab. |
Her puffy eyes showed me that she had been crying before. | Ihre geschwollenen Augen zeigten mir, dass sie vorher geweint hatte. |
that day; that afternoon; that night | an jenem Tag; an jenem Nachmittag; in jener Nacht |
That explains why...; That is why... | Das erklärt, warum... |
like; like this; like that | so wie; so wie hier; so wie dort |
that's right; that is right; That's right | Das ist richtig |
to be impressed; to display that | sich beeindruckt zeigen |
that demand creativity | das erfordert Kreativität |
to be convinced that | der Überzeugung sein, dass |
that's quite possible | das ist leicht möglich |
I'm sure that | Überzeugung ausdrücken |

Getting to the door and skipping the entire line, we started to chat with some guy from New York, and by coincidence we found out, that he had good connections in this club and could help us getting in.
Tam Coc was a place where the river ran through different limestone mountains. The view was amazing. However, the two hundred other boats on the river really destroyed the atmosphere.
In the late afternoon we took a taxi back to Cusco, which we shared with a nice Spanish couple. My wife who was mainly concerned with our sleeping conditions took the address of their hotel.
Tam Coc was a place where the river ran through different limestone mountains. The view was amazing. However, the two hundred other boats on the river really destroyed the atmosphere.
In the late afternoon we took a taxi back to Cusco, which we shared with a nice Spanish couple. My wife who was mainly concerned with our sleeping conditions took the address of their hotel.