German Dictionary
English | German |
Sample sentences: Teachers cannot be held accountable for their students' crimes. |
Lehrer haften nicht für die Straftaten ihrer Schüler. |
The native English speaker served as an aide to the Chinese English teachers. | Der englische Muttersprachler fungierte als Hilfskraft für die chinesischen Englischlehrer. |
The student's unique artwork impressed even the teachers. | Das einzigartige Kunstwerk des Schülers beeindruckte selbst die Lehrer. |
teacher; headteacher; classteacher | glücklich; froh; erleichtert |
the teacher(s) | der Lehrer; die Lehrerin, Lehrerinnen |
singing coach; singing teacher | Gesangslehrer/in |
teacher* | der Kursleiter; die Kursleiterin |
teacher-training | Lehrerausbildung |
form teacher | Klassenlehrer(in) |
teacher; instructor | der Lehrer |
kindergarten teacher | Erzieher |
tutor; teacher | lehrer; lehrer |
We entered the club which started to fill up around mid-night. The atmosphere was great and many handsome men and beautiful women were dancing on the different floors of the club. We were upstairs.
I can understand a little Spanish with the base of Italian and heaps of words sound familiar. I will try to have conversations as much as i can. Just learning the vocabulary and the grammar isn't enough!
At around 6pm. we were back at the Chilean border and we were happy to change cars (to the mini bus again) and seeing a paved road. It took us another hour to get back to our hotel.
I can understand a little Spanish with the base of Italian and heaps of words sound familiar. I will try to have conversations as much as i can. Just learning the vocabulary and the grammar isn't enough!
At around 6pm. we were back at the Chilean border and we were happy to change cars (to the mini bus again) and seeing a paved road. It took us another hour to get back to our hotel.
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