German Dictionary

Translation of silent in German

silent     still

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Silent Mark was the patsy for the crime committed.

Mark der Schweiger war der Sündenbock für die begangene Straftat.
be silent (v); callar; estar callado schweigen
silent geräuschlos, wortlos
taciturn, silent wortkarg
calm; quiet; silent ruhig
silent era Stummfilmzeit
to be silent schweigen
silent film Stummfilm
silent stumm, still

The people in the market knew how to bargain and one would hardly have a change to lower the price drastically. We bought some Espresso cups carved and painted with some local paintings.
sorry i was not on skyoe. it was not working right. i will talk to you later. Just came back from the mountains. It was extremely cold and there was plenty of snow. But I loved it. Skiing is the best.
Burlington in Vermont is one of the healthiest cities in the entire United States of America. The capital of Vermont is Montpellier. Apart from that Vermont offers a lot of green hills and many lakes.
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